Chinese Government Poses 'Broad and Unrelenting' Threat to U.S. Critical Infrastructure, FBI Director Says

Director Wray and Vanderbilt University Chancellor Daniel Diermeier during the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats in Nashville on April 18, 2024.

Director Wray, right, speaks with Vanderbilt University Chancellor Daniel Diermeier during the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats in Nashville on April 18, 2024.

FBI Director Christopher Wray on April 18 warned national security and intelligence experts, as well as students, that risks the government of China poses to U.S. national and economic security are “upon us now”—and that U.S. critical infrastructure is a prime target. 

“The PRC [People’s Republic of China] has made it clear that it considers every sector that makes our society run as fair game in its bid to dominate on the world stage, and that its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic and break America’s will to resist,” he said in remarks at the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats in Nashville.

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