Electrifying Trucking: $1 Trillion Needed for Infrastructure

Clean Freight Coalition Commissioned Study to Assess What a Switch Would Cost

Roland Berger's electrification report showed that a $620 Billion investment would be needed for charging infrastructure. (Clean Energy Fuels Corp.)
Roland Berger’s electrification report showed that a $620 Billion investment would be needed for charging infrastructure. (Clean Energy Fuels Corp.)

The trucking industry transitioning to full electrification would require nearly $1 trillion in infrastructure investments, a new study revealed March 19.

The Clean Freight Coalition commissioned the study to gain a better sense of what the switch would cost to inform policymakers and the public. The organization was formed to advocate for lower emissions in trucking, but in an economically effective way. The study concluded that infrastructure upgrades alone would be a nearly $1 trillion expenditure.

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