Next FMCSA Truck Leasing Task Force meeting online June 13

Lease signing

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration holds its next virtual meeting of the Truck Leasing Task Force (TLTF) Thursday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET.

The upcoming virtual meeting will consider whether truck leasing agreements properly incentivize the safe operation of vehicles, including driver compliance with hours-of-service regulations, laws governing speed and safety, and resources to assist CMV drivers in assessing the financial impacts of these agreements. In addition, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will update TLTF on its preliminary findings related to submitted leases for commercial motor vehicles (CMV). Lastly, there will be a public comment period that will allow CMV drivers and lessees to share their personal experiences with fraud or predation, and to present any supporting information they would like TLTF to consider in its recommendations on such agreements.

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