Virginia leads the US with highest toll costs, new study reveals

After a proposed toll price increase on the Dulles Greenway, county officials are seeking the public's opinion. (7News)
After a proposed toll price increase on the Dulles Greenway, county officials are seeking the public's opinion. (7News)

New toll rates took effect last year on the Dulles Toll Road which jumped to $4 at the main toll plaza, and right now the privately owned Dulles Greenway is considering an increase of up to $8.10 during peak hours.

Remember when $40 tolls here on I-66 caused quite a stir back in 2017?

Those fees have since been adjusted, but apparently not enough. A recent data report by LendingTree looks at toll costs across the nation to find which states are the most expensive to drive with the priciest tolls.

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